FMH in Ortopedia e Traumatologia
Grammar School: “Liceo Scientifico Gino Segrè, Turin, Italy
LANGUAGES: Italian, English and basic French.
MD: University of Turin, Italy,2001, with honours.
SPECIALIST IN ORTHOPAEDICS and TRAUMATOLOGY: University of Turin, Italy 2006, with honours.
GMC number (U.K.): 6106042, registered on the GMC Specialist Register.
Membership of Learned Societies
- SICP:Società Italiana Chirurgia del Piede
- British Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society: International Member
- IBRA: International Bone Research Society
- GRECMIP: Gruppo di Ricerca per la Chirurgia Mini-Invasiva del Piede
- EFAS: European Foot and Ankle Society
1) “The uncommon tendon pathology of the foot: a case of a subcutaneous rupture of the anterior tibialis tendon”: Chirurgia del piede; 27, 2003
2) “The Girdlestone resection and the failed total hip replacements”: Quaderni di infezioni osteoarticolari; April 2007, number 9
3) “The proximal tibial fractures amongst the workers: the evolution of the surgical treatment”; Rivista di patologia dell’apparato locomotore, Vol VI-Fasc.1/2, 2007
4) “Clinical results after a proximal osteotomy to all of the metatarsals with early weight bearing”: Chirurgia del Piede, Vol.31 No.3 December 2007
5) “Clinical and radiographic reports on few cases of ball and socket ankle joint”; Chirurgia del Piede, Vol.31 No.3 December 2007
6) “Evaluation of the pre- and post operative mechanical axis in computer-navigated TKA”; Giornale Italiano di Ortopedia e Traumatologia: Vol. 34; 25-9, 2008
7) “Intrathoracic Humeral Head Fracture-Dislocation”; The Internet Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2008: Vol. 12 Number 1
8) “Analysis of the inter- and intra-observer agreement in radiographic evaluation of wrist fractures using the multimedia messaging service”. The Hand: Vol. 6, Issue 4, 384-89, 2011
9) “The management of soft tissues sarcomas”. Surgeon. Feb;10(1):25-32. Dec 3, 2012
10) “Pseudotumor of the hip due to fungal prosthetic joint infection”. Case Rep. Orthop. 2013
11) “Destructive pseudo-neuroarthropathy associated with calcium pyrophosphate deposition: A case series and review of the literature”. Foot and Ankle International, Nov, 2014
12) “I postumi dolorosa dopo la distorsione di caviglia: approccio diagnostico e terapeutico”. Tribuna Medica Ticinese, Luglio/Agosto 2015
13) “Neuroma di Morton”. Tribuna Medica Ticinese, Marzo 2016
14) “Bone Marrow Edema Syndrome of the Foot and Ankle: Mid- to Long-Term Follow-up in 18 Patients.” Foot and Ankle Specialist, 9(3): 218-26, June 2016
15) “Zancolli technique for delayed repair of tibialis anterior tendon rupture”. Foot and Ankle Specialist, 11(4): 372-77, June 2018
Current Research project
Akin osteotomy for hallux valgus: to fix or not to fix?
Chef de Clinique Orthopaedics and TraumatologyORBV, Bellinzona-Switzerland | |
Senior Clinical Fellow in Foot and Ankle Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, Birmingham-U.K | |
Senior Clinical Fellow in Foot and Ankle Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore- U.K | |
Research Fellow in Foot and Ankle Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore-U.K | |
Senior Clinical Fellow in Foot and Ankle Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore-U.K | |
Trust Specialty Doctor in Orthopaedics and Trauma James Paget University Hospital, Great Yarmouth-U.K | |
Chef de Clinique in Orthopaedics and Trauma ORBV, Bellinzona-Switzerland | |
Consultant in Orthopaedics and Trauma Maria Vittoria Hospital, Turin-Italy. | |
Fellow at SHO level, James Paget University Hospitals, Great Yarmouth, UK.Fellowship done during the 4th year of my residency in ortho & trauma in Turin-Italy | |
Resident in Orthopaedics and Trauma at Turin University Hospitals, Italy. |
- Esostosi subungueale, UPSI, 01.12.2018, Rivera, Switzerland
- Heel Pain Syndrome (Ospedale Regionale di Lugano, 12.10.2017)
- La chirurgia mini-invasiva del piede (Ospedale Regionale di Lugano, Maggio 2017)
- La gestione delle comuni patologie del piede e della caviglia tra internista, reumatologo e ortopedico (Circolo Medici del Mendrisiotto)
- Trattamento endoscopico del neuroma di Morton. La chirurgia mini-invasiva percutaneo dell’avampiede, Napoli 30-31 Ottobre 2015
- La disfunzione del tendine tibiale posteriore nell’adulto: VI aggiornamento di podologia, Lugano-Svizzera, 2015
- Le distorsioni che non guariscono: VI aggiornamento di podologia, Lugano-Svizzera
- Cause di persistente dolore dopo una distorsione di caviglia. Circolo Medico del Bellinzonese. Arbedo Giungo 2014
- Cavus foot: Instructional Course for Bulgarian Residents. 25 October 2013 Sofia-Bulgaria
- Degenerative Flat Foot: Instructional Course for Bulgarian Residents. 25 October 2013 Sofia-Bulgaria
- Ankle arthrodesis versus Replacement: Instructional Course for Bulgarian Residents. 25 October 2013 Sofia-Bulgaria
- 16 November 2012: BOFAS Annual Scientific Meeting, Newport, UK: Bone Marrow Oedema in Foot and Ankle
- 25 June 2009: 69thSSO congress (Swiss Society of Orthopaedics): “A reliable and simple solution for recalcitrant carpal tunnel syndrome: the hypothenar fat pad flap”, Geneva-Switzerland.
- 26 June 2009: 69thSSO congress (Swiss Society of Orthopaedics: “Telemedicine and wrist fractures”, Geneva-Switzerland.
- 14 February 2003: 8thNational Congress of Residents in Orthopaedics and Trauma: “An unusual lesion to the foot: a case of rupture to the anterior tibialis tendon”, Parma-Italy.
- 13-15 June 2002: 33thOTODI national congress: “Total Hip Arthroplasty and aseptic loosening: a clinical review of the re-operated patients”, Bergamo-Italy.